BlueRipples Technologies



Technology that takes you forward.

At Blue Ripples, Technologies is not just a set of languages and platforms. It’s a tool to translate the best version of your ideas into reality. We are multi-platform thinkers capable of drawing from a wide variety of resources. But our favourite is the one that works best for your product.
That’s why before introducing any new technology we run it through this tried
and tested checklist. To ensure that it solves your business problem instead of
generating new ones.
1. It is good. But is it good for you?
We all have favourites. But when it comes to a product the best solution may not
be the most popular or the most conventional one. Choosing a technology based
on popularity, ease of use and price alone might limit the scope of your product in
the long term.
The core focus here should be the features and functionalities you need to improve your business. Based on your requirements, we recommend solutions that deliver the most value to you.
2. Does it offer stability, support and documentation?
You might have a set of problems that requires immediate attention, but a good
solution takes into account the long term scope of a product as well.
3. Is it Efficient?
Product development can be a long process with complex twists and turns. You
need technologies that are flexible enough to adapt and powerful enough to be
scalable. But in a race, even the best car is only as good as the driver.
Over the years we have developed highly specialised, domain specific knowledge and competencies. And having worked with innovative partners in highly agile product development cycles, we have also realised the advantages of a generalist approach.
Specialist or Generalist. Why not both?
At Blue Ripples we have our unique brand of full-stack developers. They are specialists who have evolved into Generalists. Developers who not only know the technologies inside out, but can see a product through all the stages of its development. This is an empowering capability for you as a client, because it offers you tremendous control over the refinement of your product.
Of course, specialists are important. But you shouldn’t have to choose between one
and the other. That’s why our teams have a highly collaborative structure that pairs
full-stack developers with specialists. So that you get the best of all worlds.
You can read more about how we leverage powerful technologies to create impactful solutions here.
At Blue Ripples, Technologies is not just a set of languages and platforms. It’s a tool to translate the best version of your ideas into reality. We are multi-platform thinkers capable of drawing from a wide variety of resources. But our favourite is the one that works best for your product.
That’s why before introducing any new technology we run it through this tried
and tested checklist. To ensure that it solves your business problem instead of
generating new ones.
1. It is good. But is it good for you?
We all have favourites. But when it comes to a product the best solution may not
be the most popular or the most conventional one. Choosing a technology based
on popularity, ease of use and price alone might limit the scope of your product in
the long term.
The core focus here should be the features and functionalities you need to improve your business. Based on your requirements, we recommend solutions that deliver the most value to you.
2. Does it offer stability, support and documentation?
You might have a set of problems that requires immediate attention, but a good
solution takes into account the long term scope of a product as well.

Learn more about optimizing your
business process or discuss your project
by scheduling a free consultation

Learn more about optimizing your business process or discuss your project by scheduling a free consultation